Notices tagged with sishoof
@thelastgherkin #sishoof Being a girl is awesum.
@administrator that makes no sense ponyhoof. I agree that #sishoof just sounds better for the girls on this site..also @critialcloudkicker I'm sorry I got your tag wrong my phone is pretty weird when it comes to spelling. ;3;
@criticalcloudkicker #sishoof sounds amazingly awesome xD thanks for your input and helping me solve a strange mystery.
Sunday, 24-Apr-11 11:20:05 UTC from web -
@razzek I am not sure on this but I thought this bro thing originally originated from the ghetto. where you are eachothers bro if you roll together regardless of gender. although I guess purely amongst the females they could and probably would use sis... but ehmm... Try not to overthink it #brohoof / #sishoof