@administrator that makes no sense ponyhoof. I agree that #sishoof just sounds better for the girls on this site..also @critialcloudkicker I'm sorry I got your tag wrong my phone is pretty weird when it comes to spelling. ;3;
Sunday, 24-Apr-11 11:36:56 UTC from web-
@razzek dont sweat about silly things like that, if you havent said it I would have never noticed. besides the "critial" part of my name is an old recycled one of my old nickname. If somepony hadnt claimed cloudkicker I would have been simpler :) ( ... cloudkicker only made 2 posts and never logged in again in case you are wondering )
Sunday, 24-Apr-11 11:41:39 UTC from web -
@razzek @scribus I keep asking myself "how would the Sister of Battle ( adeptus sororitas ) from Warhammer 40.000 do a casual fistbump ?" but my brain stays empty after that
Sunday, 24-Apr-11 13:40:34 UTC from web