yakima Washington
13 years of not dying ...
new to the site and quite frankly being a fan of the show...
male... not sure what to put on this thingy
Austin smith (sparkthebrony)
i think i might be an insomniac
@scoot OH...
wait... why is it called zoe trent network
to hot to do anything :I so ima sit at my computor and get fat
i didnt know i could change my nickname >.<
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 07:50:46 UTC from web -
@flutterguyemokid bai
@flutterguyemokid that server is confusing
@flutterguyemokid are you on?
@flutterguyemokid i already did
@flutterguyemokid already joining helloclan :I
@flutterguyemokid ok ill look them up :D
@flutterguyemokid what servers do you go on?
@flutterguyemokid mine little pony mod is awesome
Anyone have an account on thebronynetwork5?
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 06:10:53 UTC from web -
@tw1l1gh7sp4rkl3 >.< you stole mah pose!
@tw1l1gh7sp4rkl3 you, you stole mah picture!!
writing random things on RDN is like eating chocolate pancakes with mustard on top
Pepsi or Coke... that is the question to be answered only by a god! a god of quills and sofa's!!!!
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:51:30 UTC from web -
@fuzzypony thats totally me
@fuzzypony ok... here is "me" doing some of them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz32kXTPZqU
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:27:26 UTC from web -
@fuzzypony :D
@bowandlyre >:D
@bowandlyre @fuzzypony Dont worry ill just do half of the pull ups for you
@fuzzypony ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
@fuzzypony ;)
@twistedspectre bai! ~/)~
@fuzzypony O.o
@fuzzypony just dont get one at a farm it is to much work with to little pay >.<