!rdnart Pokemon. It's the only game I've actively kept up with. So here, have a Professor Nidoran.
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:11:49 UTC from web-
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:12:30 UTC from web
@scoot It me longer than I'd like to make that.
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:14:26 UTC from web-
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:14:47 UTC from web
@sparkthebrony Dat response. >.<
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:15:10 UTC from web-
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:15:46 UTC from web
@commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese Well I think it turned out great! :)
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:15:06 UTC from web-
@scoot Well, thanks.
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:15:56 UTC from web
@commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese Nidorans are great :D
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:20:14 UTC from web