hi all..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:23:48 UTC from web-
@tohelo hello!
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:24:00 UTC from web-
@mushi @flamingpandaomg hows it going..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:24:30 UTC from web-
@tohelo Not bad. You?
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:24:51 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg well i dont know.. i am kind of happy and kind of sad at same time..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:25:42 UTC from web-
@tohelo What for?
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:26:05 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg well i have totally fallen for this one girl but i just cant be with her.. it kind of sucks..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:27:29 UTC from web-
@tohelo Why not?
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:28:25 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg well first of all she would be too good for me and second of all i am not able to tell it to her..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:30:16 UTC from web-
@tohelo Who's deciding that? Because you shouldn't sell yourself short.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:31:15 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg yeah.. well i tried to say that to her but it is just hard..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:32:24 UTC from web-
@tohelo You just have to jump in headfirst. What do you have to lose? If you don't tell her you will never know how she feels. If you do tell her she'll either say yes, which you'd be happy for, and if she says no you're where you're at already.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:33:38 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg because of you avatar, i always think you are @hugablysoft
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:34:01 UTC from web-
@mushi or whatever you write her name
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:34:14 UTC from web -
@mushi XD sorry.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:34:36 UTC from web
@flamingpandaomg yeah i .. mnh.. i just isent that easy..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:35:15 UTC from web-
@tohelo Sure it is. I've done it. Just tell her straight up what you're thinking.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:36:23 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg i should ask her out..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:37:14 UTC from web-
@tohelo DO IT
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:37:35 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg but where i should ask her...
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:38:22 UTC from web-
@tohelo Out for dinner perhaps?
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:38:56 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg how fancy place should i take her.. or should i just ask her for a coffee..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:41:03 UTC from web-
@tohelo Just something light first. Then if she's interested take her somewhere nicer next time.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:41:38 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg ok..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:42:06 UTC from web -
@flamingpandaomg ask with text message, facebook or with skype..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:43:27 UTC from web-
@tohelo In person if possible, then facebook if not.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:44:01 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg ok here i go..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:44:37 UTC from web -
@flamingpandaomg i din't do it..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:58:30 UTC from web
@tohelo the mail man interrupted my sleep, but now i got a new game, and you?
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:25:40 UTC from web-
@mushi happy that i am in love but sad because i cant tell it to her..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:29:28 UTC from web-
@tohelo happy for being in love eh? that is weird that one can use those words in this way
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:30:21 UTC from web
@tohelo hi
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:24:13 UTC from web-
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:25:15 UTC from web
@mushi XDD time to celebrate
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:25:46 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg exactly, specially because the game got here exactly in my birthday xD
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:27:17 UTC from web-
@mushi It's your birthday?
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:28:15 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg yah, i'm 22 now
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:28:29 UTC from web-
@mushi ballin'
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:28:41 UTC from web-
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:29:14 UTC from web
@mushi HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUSHI. Twilight baked you something.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:30:40 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg aaw, it is adooorable xD
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:31:06 UTC from web-
@mushi X3
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:31:42 UTC from web
@tohelo hello
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:24:35 UTC from web-
@southpaw wad up
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:25:03 UTC from web-
@tohelo naht much
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:26:22 UTC from web
@tohelo Howdy traveler!
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:25:29 UTC from web-
@pokestrike hey wad up..
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:25:51 UTC from web-
@tohelo Discussing that Eeyor should've used tape to attach his tail to his rear end instead of putting a nail in his cherries
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:27:21 UTC from web-
@pokestrike but maybe that is his thing.. maybe he likes that kind of things.. you should newer judge
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:28:48 UTC from web -
Is fruit a language filter here....
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:28:58 UTC from web-
@southpaw kiwi yeah!
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:29:06 UTC from web -
@southpaw grapes no.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:29:09 UTC from web -
@southpaw Yeah you get used to it
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:29:10 UTC from web-
@scoot I ain't complaining I was just caught off guard.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:30:45 UTC from web
@southpaw Yes. Also potato knishes, fluffle puff, and FrankerZ are fruits
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:29:24 UTC from web-
@redenchilada I don't even want to know what a dole is.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:30:02 UTC from web-
@mastertdi It's a company that sells bananas.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:30:20 UTC from web-
@zeldatra Now when you say "bananas"...
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:30:44 UTC from web-
@mastertdi I mean actual, literal bananas.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:31:05 UTC from web-
@zeldatra Ah. Okay.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:32:09 UTC from web
@redenchilada wait.....FrankerZ is a filter....that's amazing
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:30:07 UTC from web-
@southpaw It is a fruit, after all Kappa
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:30:33 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Kappa Kappa
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:31:33 UTC from web-
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:31:51 UTC from web
@redenchilada yiiiisssssssssssss
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:32:37 UTC from web
@pr1nc355c3l35t1a Hi d3rpy.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:35:25 UTC from web -
@pr1nc355c3l35t1a Mhm.
Tuesday, 16-Jul-13 18:36:31 UTC from web