Group actions
!rarity here darlings, for a fabulous time.
Rarity Fan Club (rarity) group
@snowcone Thanks ^_^ now a good site to relocated a renown rper
Friday, 03-Jan-14 10:21:54 UTC from web -
We haven't had any vocal @#Rarity fans here lately. !Rarity
Friday, 08-Nov-13 21:59:42 UTC from web -
Monday, 26-Aug-13 23:18:04 UTC from web
- Sunflower Shimmer likes this.
@pony awesome
@sunflowershimmer yus :3
!Rarity #Sweetie_Belle @#Rarity @#SweetieBelle @#cute A new old favorite.
Friday, 17-May-13 19:00:04 UTC from web -
So is the rari-trend still going on?
Thursday, 16-May-13 05:34:01 UTC from web -
I feel a little bit like a superhero when I find and add a particularly elusive source for a pic. @#lightshipping !Rarity !Twilight_Sparkle
Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 09:04:44 UTC from web-
@kolzach music might put me to sleep. It's 3:23 AM here. xP
@kolzach I slept well yesterday, but I'm feeling sleepy now. But I'm not done going through and saing my bookmarked pony images yet, so I've got somethign to do still.
@kolzach well there's wanting to get it done, yeah, but also, I'm working a night shift so I have to stay awake. xD
@#saucy !lnrdn !Rarity !Twilight_Sparkle
Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 08:20:20 UTC from web -
(paragraph enhanced) !ponypicturerampage @#RD !Rainbow_Dash @#AJ !Applejack @#Pinkie !Pinkie_Pie @#Derpy #Derpy @#Luna @#Celestia !Luna !Celestia @#Twilight !Twilight_Sparkle @#Rarity !Rarity #Cadence #Chrysalis
Thursday, 04-Apr-13 01:03:22 UTC from web-
@beatstrings (\ ^_^
@mushi xDD
@neurario My epic picture posts are no longer stifled, still, for gherkin's sake I'll try to only do it when he's not around.
- @#Rarity !Rarity
Wednesday, 27-Mar-13 08:36:59 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
@pony Lol'd.
I don't think I post enough @#Rarity !Rarity
Sunday, 03-Mar-13 07:37:51 UTC from web -
Ponies aren't just for girls, let this tale unfurl! !TwilightSparkle !PinkiePie, !AppleJack and !Fluttershy ! Do not be afraid, we will never fade! !RainbowDash and !Rarity. Join the herd and you will see! #hashtagabuse #songstuckinhead
Thursday, 15-Mar-12 18:34:05 UTC from web- TheFunkyTortoise likes this.
- TheFunkyTortoise repeated this.
@minti Join the herd Cover forestrain
@rozeluck Yes, yes it is. ;p
@minti im hearing that one right now when you posted the he even sang it xcD
alright now !applejack !pinkieism !pinkiepie !fluttershy !rainbowdash !rarity !twilightfans !twilightsparkle !scootaloo !braeburn !spitfire !celestiafanclub !princesslunafans !luna !trixie !pipsqueakfans !snailsfans more soon
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 21:21:17 UTC from web -
join ALL the fanclubs! !opallovers !rarity !lunarrepublic !princesslunafans !celestiafanclub !spike !twilightfans !applejack !vinyl !octavia !fluttershy !rainbowdash !colgate !pinkieism !trekkieponies and might as well !broniesforever !derpyhoovescentral !equestriagaming !convert !haventreadit !vancouverbronies
Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 23:59:26 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
@zimzap YES!!!
Just kidding, I changed my avatar to !Rarity!
Saturday, 17-Sep-11 11:37:38 UTC from web -
!rarity Finally, I searched best pony and this group was the first thing that popped up? go figure...
Monday, 29-Aug-11 13:31:38 UTC from web -
!rarity As someone who cosplays Rarity, not being a part of this group was a crime against Fabulousity that I could no longer suffer. Ciao, darlings!
Wednesday, 10-Aug-11 02:11:54 UTC from web-
I also included a purple wig, horns + ears, and aquamarine gems on all my buttons and three on my tie in the shape of Rarity's cutie mark! Combined with those custom Rarity Keds and you got yourself a pony cosplay stew going!
@kingcarcinopony Nope, you can look at my profile and see that I'm a Texas pony, but I have been to Japan for vacation and visited family members there before.
@bijou I've family in Texas.
Yay there's a Rarity fan group here !rarity
Wednesday, 18-May-11 20:02:45 UTC from web -
!rarity I can't believe I didn't think to post that when I joined it. Either way, thanks. <3
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 03:54:13 UTC from web -
Free plug for the fabulous new !rarity group on deviantart:
Thursday, 14-Apr-11 21:41:00 UTC from web -
Is anyone RPing as !rarity yet?
Saturday, 09-Apr-11 22:07:35 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin #ooc Dunno...
@thelastgherkin !rarity Not as far as I know.
!rarity Got that right cmc!
Friday, 08-Apr-11 04:27:28 UTC from web -
!rarity member by member we'll make this group together! The most fabulous pony in ponyville!
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 13:23:11 UTC from web -
Hi guys, I'm new here. I joined here because a friend of mine over at dA and the Equestria Forums recommended me coming here.
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 03:43:43 UTC from web-
@blazeprower9205 well, welcome then! :D
@strawberryspice !rarity Thanks!
!rarity - Done!
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 02:52:37 UTC from web-
@flaminglight !rarity Nice work!
Hey again everypony! !rarity I guess I'll be the first poster in here after all, Rarity rocks!
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 02:44:28 UTC from web-
@flaminglight Excellent timing! I was just about to say that !rarity needs a fabulous avatar! Not that.. ugh.. ugly, grey thing. Perhaps something simple yet elegant, such as this?
@puzzlemint That should definitely be the icon for !rarity