Tam Ashdene (tam)

  1. Thank you for your time, and good bye. :)

    Sunday, 10-Apr-11 23:06:08 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  2. So, I want to apologize again to all parties involved. Due to my actions, our message got skewed - and I hope it's a bit clearer. Transponies and trans-users are perfectly welcome at Equestria. We just wanted to avoid assigning labels - any labels.

    Sunday, 10-Apr-11 23:05:36 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  3. As my frustration grew, I attempted to pass a "ban" on discussing gender identity on our forums and in our chatroom. I was sick of the arguing in the thread, and wanted to clamp down on a controversial topic. Somehow that got confused and bronies then spread misinformation that transponies were banned from rp and from our forums. They're not!

    Sunday, 10-Apr-11 23:01:51 UTC from StatusNet Android
  4. The simple truth is that such labels invite debate. And that debate, no matter how innocently it gets started, always devolves into a flamewar. We cannot invite such a thing onto our forums.

    Sunday, 10-Apr-11 22:58:19 UTC from StatusNet Android
  5. To keep to a pattern, we asked that user to fill out the form with the OC's sex, or physical gender. Then in the character background to explain the gender identity, and how that was different. We stressed that we wanted to avoid the specific use of the label "transgendered". We have exactly the same policy when it comes to labeling an OC "gay", or "straight", for that matter.

    Sunday, 10-Apr-11 22:56:21 UTC from StatusNet Android
  6. Several of our forum users expressed a desire to specifically play trans ponies in our RP, and were shut down by one of our mods in irc chat. One brony in particular brought her concerns to @ashij and another mod, and an agreement was made.

    Sunday, 10-Apr-11 22:52:42 UTC from StatusNet Android
  7. I believe it was my news post that caused the initial drama. I apologize - I rambled and tried to cover too many topics in too quickly a fashion. It muddled our message, and as anger grew on both sides, things just got worse as the day continued.

    Sunday, 10-Apr-11 22:49:58 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  8. Hey ponies! With no intent to take over RDN with our drama, I did feel it was necessary to say something here.

    Sunday, 10-Apr-11 22:48:09 UTC from StatusNet Android

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