Notices tagged with theme

  1. installing Anjuta - while I love Geany for code ediing (and even Mousepad), it does not have support for version cool integration, and that is what I need now. Plus, I want to aid Eclipse, which I've happily used years ago, but I consider it too heavy-weight for what I'm doing now (# # and # hacking)

    Tuesday, 09-Jun-15 06:32:59 UTC from in context
  2. futzing around with the # # again, still not quite satisfied, I don't want so much glitz as the delorean (dark) theme has, nd its graphics are inconsistent; I'll probably end up picking a decent dark theme (with a GTK2 and GTK3 variant) and just changing the colors... :-/ #

    Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 20:56:25 UTC from
  3. in progress: new # for !twister: by @myleneb

    Tuesday, 22-Jul-14 00:26:36 UTC from in context
  4. @expatpaul Well I got a reply from the developer that at first I thought didn't help; then it dawned on me he was referring to hooks that probably should be present inside the form, but which I never saw there when redesigning the form fields (still learning WP internals...) As a quick test I injected the two hooks into my form, and sure enough now it works! I've now turned off the feature again until I can do a better repair of the comment form. :) That's just "more work" now, and not "what the h*** is going on here?" # # #

    Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 08:00:00 UTC from
  5. phew - I think it's time for my nap... I've solved a number of problems, but I'm nowhere near done yet :( # # #

    Friday, 21-Mar-14 17:02:04 UTC from
  6. @mk OK, bug solved! Apart from minor aspect of finding a special icon. At least you get actual page content now, when asking for an archive. \o/ # # #

    Friday, 21-Mar-14 03:53:36 UTC from in context
  7. it took me forever to figure out why any kind 'Archives' wasn't showing anything; turns out the archive template is catering for almost all 'post types' - except 'standard'. :-/ 'status' is also missing. # # # now I 'only' have to repair it...

    Friday, 21-Mar-14 00:48:23 UTC from in context
  8. I am finally beginning to get an idea how this theme is organized - feeling *much* happier now! Building a base structure for my site, and I already have a (small) gallery that I can extend - using a template from my theme and a gallery set up with NextGEN gallery plugin. yay! # # #

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 15:02:29 UTC from
  9. good morning guten Morgen !tzag !fediverse! Already busy poking around in my awesome theme, figuring out how it works and how to work with it, so I'll know what to tweak where... # #

    Monday, 17-Mar-14 08:45:55 UTC from
  10. Need a background image for your web design? Hen awesome online background image generator: # #

    Monday, 17-Feb-14 10:10:29 UTC from
  11. @tobias ah, # - my brain was so eager to get started on # # again, that it not only woke me up too early, but also made me forget tea! amending that now... moin moin!

    Monday, 16-Dec-13 06:57:34 UTC from
  12. @jonkulp meh, had to change the names in a whole lot of comments all over the place as well (thank you grep!) # # .. all done now :)

    Saturday, 14-Dec-13 22:51:11 UTC from in context
  13. doing a big hairy renaming exercise - and hoping things won't be more broken afterwards than they already were in teh mmiddle of replacing JavaScript ;) # #

    Saturday, 14-Dec-13 21:15:36 UTC from
  14. despite creating a new # for SN, I really like that you host it on # T H A N K S

    Thursday, 12-Dec-13 20:20:44 UTC from
  15. finished writing (not yet testing) a whole series of PHP functions for handling cookies and URLs. Since there are many complications there, I am now properly documenting them - not fun, but absolutely necessary. # #

    Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 18:55:26 UTC from
  16. It's not so simple to write a cookie-handling library (one for PHP and one for JavaScript, even) that actually supports the standard - most libraries skimp on support for the finer parts of the standard (such as when and how to use the 'secure' flag). I even found a widely-quoted JavaScript version that 'forgets' about encoding/decoding. And then there's the fact that JavaScript's encoding is not compatible with PHP's encodig (which closer matches the standard), so some extra 'translation' is needed. ugh. # # # #

    Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 09:57:56 UTC from
  17. @howcanuhavemyusername not yet... (though I want to try it out for some things at least) - that's *another* thing that takes time! Currently # and my # are my top priority right now, and I need to concentrate on that or it will never get finished #

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 16:44:42 UTC from
  18. oh, what fun! I need to create and read (the same) cookies by both PHP and JavaScript. PHP automatically encodes - but encode/decode functions in PHP and JavaScript are NOT compatible. A great page to help understand this and test: # #

    Saturday, 07-Dec-13 10:19:46 UTC from
  19. how weird: PHP has had a gzencode() function since version 4.0.4 but teh inverse gzdecode() has only been added in version 5.4 - so, I'd better not use that in my # ;) gzdeflate()-gzinflate() should do just fine

    Saturday, 07-Dec-13 07:04:06 UTC from
  20. brain shutting down ... I'll wind down a bit, get a snack, and dive into my # good # # progress today, so I'm #!

    Friday, 06-Dec-13 21:30:45 UTC from
  21. OK, I have now worked for about 2 days on a single button - not really, but the (intended) behavior of the button is implemented incorrectly (so a page reload behaves like a button click!). So I'm using this as a model for implementing (JavaScript-independent!) 'toggle' buttons (of course I can add a JS layer once that works, for smoother operation). Now that I have analysed and understood all of that, and created the beginning of a URL-manipulation library, I can set about actually implementing correctly-working toggle buttons :D # # # #

    Friday, 06-Dec-13 16:36:35 UTC from
  22. struggling with a new layout problem - brain refuses function! I think it thinks it's done enough hard thinking for today ;) # #

    Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 20:24:32 UTC from
  23. phew! found the mystery generated code... a (another) plugin that injects code invisibly into a template !grrr I want to get rid of all of those, it either breaks or it produces stuff that templates cannot change. # # #

    Tuesday, 03-Dec-13 21:26:59 UTC from in context
  24. @mk some well-place comments later... it seems an if statement (not its contents) *generates* this mystery code! yuk. must tease that apart because I want that generated code in another place! # #

    Tuesday, 03-Dec-13 20:34:28 UTC from in context
  25. stumped - I'm seeing code generated that's not in the template: remote has same version as on my local machine yet it produces things I cannot see :( # #

    Tuesday, 03-Dec-13 20:13:11 UTC from in context
  26. @vanden been? from worst to slowly better... and having fun right now making (#) my own # for # (work-in-progress - occasionally broken - here: good project to make it through the dark of winter. My chapeau is reserved for when I can set up my own instance (but photo site comes first).

    Tuesday, 03-Dec-13 05:50:19 UTC from
  27. Hmm, some things that seem siomple turn out to be a lot more complicated. :-/ # #

    Monday, 02-Dec-13 12:32:37 UTC from in context
  28. well, I think I have my toolbars, navbars and popmenus just about sorted (just one minor font tweak). Next up: back to self-adjusting forms # # :) # (maybe - I also have other things to do). firster: get (another) good night's sleep: I still need that (yawn)

    Sunday, 01-Dec-13 21:39:58 UTC from in context
  29. making (slow) progress and finding out there are in fact two different "Derivatives" toolbar buttons - better naming would help! # # - first, some # would be nice, and maybe even more washing up

    Sunday, 01-Dec-13 12:17:23 UTC from
  30. yay! I finally solved a very hard to find problem with my toolbars # # - so now I think I deserve a nap :)

    Friday, 29-Nov-13 10:36:11 UTC from