Notices tagged with feelsbadpony
@abigpony They stopped selling the cinnamon-flavored ones. #feelsbadpony
@abigpony ok #feelsbadpony
Well... got 1 song recorded earlier today, then intended to record another, only to have my guitar to start misbehaving... #FeelsBadPony
Thursday, 20-Oct-11 19:45:50 UTC from web -
@leonkfox You know, I used to be able to do a pretty good Omochao impression... in 2007. Then I hit puberty. #feelsbadpony
Not going to the !PittsBronies meetup. My mom was crying, and is worried that I'm going to mess my life up. *sigh* or be man-raped and killed... Every time a new can of worms. Bit I can't go if she's going to be in tears. #feelsbadpony
Oh look, my post is no longer in the most popular. #feelsbadpony
@stumperman07 I only have one computer period a day. #feelsbadpony
@kingcarcinopony I WON'T BE ABLE TO GO STOP TEMPTING ME I HAVE THE SADS ALREADY ;____; #feelsbadpony
I guess I'm boring cause some ppl just dun reply to me #feelsbadpony
There's a reason you don't read Past Sins in public. God, so many tears I had to swallow. #feelsbadpony
I have headache now #feelsbadpony
Nopony's talked to me for a week! :( #feelsbadpony
So it's 3:30 AM and I don't think I'm going to be able to get to sleep until my older bro gets back from the hospital. #feelsbadpony
Ever have one of those days that went from enjoyable to incredibly depressing just like that? #feelsbadpony
@redenchilada because i'm poor #feelsbadpony
gotta go #feelsbadpony
@abigpony But I wanted an excuse to say HIDE THE CHILDREN! Why you gotta destroy my hopes and dreams? #feelsbadpony
I have to go already #feelsbadpony
Monday, 06-Jun-11 11:17:28 UTC from web -
Tonight I learned the hard way that not all bronies are nice. #feelsbadpony
@elusivemrmadden i know #feelsbadpony i'm getting better i can see better now but vision is a bit messesd up
bye I has to go to work #feelsbadpony
Wednesday, 25-May-11 11:16:51 UTC from web -
Was just in synchtube, casually chatting and whatnot. A video ended, and I offered up my PMV as a suggestion amongst the 4 or 5 being offered by others. The moderator told me not to bother posting it again because he wouldn't play it. He said he watched it earlier and "didn't like it." I asked him what he didn't like about it, as it is the only PMV/AMV I've ever made and there are probably a lot of things I need to improve on, but he simply ignored me from that point forward. After the stressful weekend I just had and spending half of today in a hospital bed, it sucks to be told that something I made is crap and can't be shown to anyone else. Not sure what to do for the rest of the night, but I'm too awake to sleep. #feelsbadpony
It's unfortunately often that I'm disappointed by people who call themselves friends, even by 'friends' who love ponies. #feelsbadpony Anyway, goodnight, everypony. Who's awesome? You are!
I can't believe I got up this early to see if PSN was up, just to be disappointed. Barely got 4 hours sleep. #feelsbadpony
@ickus Big party at the Kremlin. Missed my red cab. Stuck in Vladivostok for the night. #feelsbadpony
@abigpony The only #feelsbadpony is that I can't adopt them all, but it makes for a great 6 hour break from everything.
Ugh, don't know why, but my right arm's been hurtin' all day. My right wrist, even more #feelsbadpony
Finished with my exam and feeling quite less insane. Sorry again for my behavior earlier @administrator #feelsbadpony I could use a hug :(
@laetificat #feelsbadpony :(