Notices tagged with college
Thanks To Student Activists, Pressure To End #Rape Culture On #College Campuses ‘Is Not Going Away’ !USA
It's a remark about Simon #Lajeunesse who seemingly couldn't find a #control group in 2009 because all males in #college watch internet porn
!calgarybronies !college FINALS!!! x_X
Saturday, 01-Dec-12 10:02:59 UTC from web -
!calgary !college Well, here we go again.
!calgary !college So I'm standing in line to get a transit pass sticker put on my student ID. But, for some reason, it's the same lineup for getting a brand new ID. I'd like to know who thought this was a good idea, because it's actually very inefficient. I spent less time in line to get Tara Strong's autograph at the expo.
!calgary !college First class to officially use the new lab. Looks pretty stylish.
!college !calgary Just got my class schedule for next semester, which starts on september 4th. Friday looks ugly. 8-5 with only a 1-hour break at 1 pm. || Can't complain about thursday, though. 4 hours total, counting the 1 hour break. Everything else is average || Still miss 1st semester when we started late on mondays and left early on fridays.
now, if you excuse me, i have to read a book in as unknown language. #college
Saturday, 19-May-12 22:46:49 UTC from web -
!calgary !college Ahh, basic arithmetic, my arch-nemesis, we meet again. I spent 20 minutes stuck on the first question because I was trying to convert hours to seconds by multiplying instead of dividing. The rest of the test proceeded much more smoothly. The only question is, did I do well enough to land an A+, or do I have to settle for an A?
@pseudoartiste !calgary !college Nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. All the good grades I keep getting might sound impressive, but they're really just a side-effect of being in a program I'm naturally good at. || I never saw a single A+ when I was in high school. Hell, I never FINISHED high school. In order to get into this program I had to take English 30 for a third time, and not fail it. If I'd had to take Social Studies again, too, I probably wouldn't have gotten in. || With that said, STAT245 can certainly be a challenging course for people who aren't mathematically inclined. My main point was that it really, REALLY doesn't warrant 60 hours. I am not joking in the slightest when I say that my teacher kept having to remind herself to slow down in order to stretch the lessons out. On the plus side, she also kept showing us youtube videos of cool robots as filler.
@darcyblue !calgary !college I cannot overstate how mind-numbingly elementary Stat245 was. If you can read a formula book and use a scientific calculator, that is literally ALL you need to pass the course. Actually understanding the material, while recommended, is largely optional, because you can figure out most of the questions by just reading them, and then reading the formula sheet to see what fits.
@puzzlemint !calgary !college Well, I think that went okay. Now I have three hours to kill before my stats final, though.
!calgary !college So after leaving the electrical lab for the final time this year, having managed to avoid incident over two semesters. And then I somehow managed to electrocute myself while plugging in my phone charger. || I'm totally fine, but I've never been electrocuted before. My arm is kinda sore.
!calgary !college W00T!!! I aced my final essay! And I was seriously talking outta my kiwi, made NO sense at all! WTF?? :D
!calgary !college Well, I think I just aced the Projects final, including the rather weighty bonus. If that's true, then that would bring my current grade up to 100.27%. And I still haven't finished one of the labs. || I'm not going to finish it, either. I already have over 100%. I don't really need more %. Unless I can transfer it from my Projects mark to Mech, which I'm still a little shaky on. And by shaky, I mean I might only get an A, or even an A-.
!calgary !college So, now I have to figure out this monstrosity by myself, more or less from scratch. One of the inputs is analog, which we haven't learned at all. I may actually need to do some research and studying. Good thing there's a four-day weekend coming up.
!calgary !college Durandal made it to the finals and came in second. And still, no one gets the name.
yesssssss, a !college group...
Saturday, 18-Feb-12 07:45:42 UTC from web -
!calgary !college Now all I have to do is program it. Oh, and draw the electrical and pneumatic schematics.
!calgary !college Someone moved it from the side of the class to the front.