#everypony #ooc I don't believe anypony meant offense. Why not make up and let the !rp commence? I know this topic is one of great controversy, but for now I think its best to just let it be.
Thursday, 14-Apr-11 20:29:17 UTC from web-
Thursday, 14-Apr-11 20:29:58 UTC from web
@zecora Heya Zecora, how's it goin
Thursday, 14-Apr-11 20:31:48 UTC from web-
@dubstep Well recently theres been some drama around. Thankfully it seems to be dying down.
Thursday, 14-Apr-11 20:33:01 UTC from web-
@zecora @frostbitepuckroyalguard #ooc HEAR HEAR! Now then, can we continue now that this storm has blown over?
Thursday, 14-Apr-11 20:34:13 UTC from web