

  1. We had to put the cat down tonight... He got internal bleeding that was killing him painfully. More humane to put him down than let him suffer.

    Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:42:31 UTC from web
    1. @roygbiv Oh, that's sad. #

      Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:43:44 UTC from web
    2. @roygbiv awe sorry for your lose.

      Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:43:48 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    3. @roygbiv I had to put my cat down for something similar to that. I know how ya' feel.

      Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:44:00 UTC from web
    4. @roygbiv # my condolences =(

      Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:46:11 UTC from web
      1. @darkcore did you steal some carrots >> there's random money on my cart

        Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:49:37 UTC from web
        1. @carrottop Yup, that's what the money's for, for the carrots....I'm trying my darnedest to be good for @moonprincess

          Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:51:10 UTC from web
          1. @darkcore well at least you left the money, and that is good

            Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:52:51 UTC from web
          2. @darkcore You really are serious about this huh? Well good on you bud...

            Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:54:40 UTC from web
            1. @frostbitepuckroyalguard *rubs the back of his head* heh thanks

              Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:56:00 UTC from web
              1. @darkcore So your going to be a changed pony, huh?

                Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:56:57 UTC from web
                1. @twilight I'd do anything for Luna *nods*

                  Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:58:21 UTC from web
                  1. @darkcore I should hope so. Last thing Equestria needs is a literal 'Prince of Darkness'.

                    Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:03:46 UTC from web
                    1. @twilight Heheh, sounds kinda catchy though huh

                      Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:04:47 UTC from web
                      1. @darkcore Well, I must say today has certainly been eventful.

                        Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:07:47 UTC from web
                        1. @twilight Indeed it has, how bad did @spike get punished?

                          Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:09:47 UTC from web
                          1. @darkcore I haven't decided on one yet. I mean, I don't want to be harsh on him.

                            Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:13:57 UTC from web
                            1. @twilight Well, you could always make him do my bidding for a day, I could use a temporary slave!

                              Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:16:57 UTC from web
                              1. @darkcore We have a deal. No evil, though. I will send him to you tomorrow and get him out of my mane.

                                Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:18:46 UTC from web
                                1. @twilight Sounds fine by me

                                  Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:19:28 UTC from web
          3. @darkcore Aww well thankyou for paying for them ^^

            Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:54:49 UTC from web
            1. @carrottop I thought you locked up your cart anyways miss? That was strange someone managed to break in ;^^

              Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:56:46 UTC from web
              1. @frostbitepuckroyalguard I think he just left it ontop of the cart ^^

                Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:04:04 UTC from web
                1. @carrottop ah! I see my bad! *laughs*

                  Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:05:46 UTC from web
    5. @roygbiv You want a sad cat story? one time my cat got out of the house. She showed up hiding in the bushes by the front porch a couple days later smelling like gasoline, and hissed and clawed at us when we tried to pick her up, and tried to crawl away with a weird limp. Took her to the vet, she had several broken bones and a lot of internal bleeding. They said it looked a lot like someone had drop-kicked her.

      Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:48:13 UTC from web
      1. @starshine THIS. IS WHY I HATE LOT OF PEOPLE. (I'm talking about, celebraties, child/Animal abusers, bullies, trolls, and jerks) #

        Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:56:56 UTC from web
        1. @epictwo I try not to hate people, since we're all humans. But some of the things we can do sure are stupid / self-destructive. But I chalk up a lot of the issues to nativity and misunderstanding, which is something that can be fixed with knowledge and understanding. Thinking this way doesn't fix the world, but it helps me cope with it.

          Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:03:06 UTC from web
          1. @retl I would say drenching a cat in gasoline and drop-kicking it goes beyond "misunderstanding" or "stupid."

            Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:16:57 UTC from web
            1. @starshine Perhaps not so much if the person didn't realize the cat was a living, breathing, feeling being at the time. The memory would haunt them once the realization set in. (Similar case: NCS's story about "Nice Rich Rolly-Polly"). Now on the dark opposite side, there are people who genuinely ENJOY that type of thing, but I'm not really saying you have to tolerate willful slaughter.

              Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:27:29 UTC from web
    6. @roygbiv Oh man, Roy, I'm so sorry. :( That's such a difficult choice to have to make for a pet. I'm sure he was very grateful he had you to take care of him when he was suffering. *hugs for you*

      Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:09:35 UTC from web
    7. @roygbiv You know your cat would be thanking you, if he knew how much love it took to do that, right? Sorry for the loss, bro. :c

      Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:23:36 UTC from web
    8. @roygbiv I know that pain. We just had to put our cat down a few months ago. She had a tumor that we didn't catch until it was too late.

      Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:23:59 UTC from web
    9. @roygbiv I know how hard that is. protip: do NOT look into they eyes of your cat as they slip away. god, i'm gonna cry just thinking about it. We took my 19 year old cat to the vet today. He has hyperthyroidism, and this is the 4th time we've taken him in so they could check to see if they had the dosage of the prescription right. We went into the office with the idea that if the dosage wasn't right, we would put him down. well, the dosage wasn't right, but the vet convinced us otherwise. My mom and I were both disappointed. we really just wanted the vet to agree with us. We really just want him to die, naturally, so we don't have to decide.

      Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:28:02 UTC from web