

  1. Pony threads are the only reason I still go to /b/. In fact they have been my only reason for two months now, hehe!

    Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 17:54:59 UTC from web
    1. @shine Why don't you come over to ponychan? No porn, gore, etc (also, thank you for subscribing)

      Friday, 15-Apr-11 15:45:40 UTC from web
      1. @fluttergui This.

        Friday, 15-Apr-11 15:50:26 UTC from web
    2. @shine "Pony threads are the only reason I still go to /b/" -- That's nice to know. I haven't been on 4chan since I was introduced to FiM by Know Your Meme. I've been regretting that I've ever gone there. A raid on Ponychan has really turned me off, but I may return to help my /b/ronies spread some friendship.

      Sunday, 24-Apr-11 04:19:59 UTC from web