@takisawesome Only one Trixie and a few imposters
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 19:00:07 UTC from web-
@themostgreatandpowerful #ooc Well i like trixie and all but this is just silly, why do we need 2 at the same time.
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 19:01:23 UTC from web-
@takisawesome #ooc There are 3 Lunas. I seem to be the most active, though. xD
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 19:03:17 UTC from web-
@moonprincess the other two are you from alternate universes, you need to kill them to gain their power and become The One
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 19:05:11 UTC from web -
#ooc Ok guys, can i get informed on whats going on? What are the the trixies really doing... Cuz whenever i look at the front page all i see is TRIXIE HERE TRIXIE THERE
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 19:06:11 UTC from web-
@takisawesome Another satisfied pony awed by the AMAZING magical abilities of the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 19:09:34 UTC from web