I feel like there needs to be more people involving themselves in !rdnart since it seems like a solid idea and I'd like to see more submissions to it
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:15:41 UTC from web-
@scoot i would totally join that, but my tablet is dead D=
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:16:30 UTC from web-
@mushi Dang :( can't you do a little something on Colours 3DS?
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:17:25 UTC from web-
@scoot i could, but using colors break my hands
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:17:57 UTC from web-
@mushi oh, okay
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:19:28 UTC from web-
@scoot u jelly
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:23:21 UTC from web-
@mushi not really, my tablet works
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:26:54 UTC from web
@scoot I'll submit something, but in paper format.
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:19:09 UTC from web-
@nerthos OK great, I just want to see it get off the ground, it's a good idea and it needs more members
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:19:54 UTC from web
@scoot If I could draw I would. I've only tried drawing two things, and I know you've seen one. Possibly the other.
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:21:58 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg Do it anyway, you can only get better at it
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:26:42 UTC from web-
@scoot I want to say it was because I was following a tutorial and not trying to find my own way of drawing, but I was lost.
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:27:16 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg doesnt matter, draw a thing for it
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:28:09 UTC from web-
@scoot I guess I will... when Fate/stay night isn't taking over my life or I'm not watching Nico's stream.
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:28:39 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg pls
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:30:24 UTC from web-
@scoot I will.
Thursday, 18-Jul-13 00:30:39 UTC from web