

  1. "How DARE you and the rest of your barbarians set fire to my library? Play conqueror all you want, Mighty Caesar! Rape, murder, pillage thousands, even millions of human beings! But neither you nor any other barbarian has the right to destroy one human thought!" —Cleopatra (Elizabeth Taylor), Cleopatra, 1963

    Wednesday, 17-Jul-13 05:33:42 UTC from web
    1. @scribus eloquent

      Wednesday, 17-Jul-13 05:36:35 UTC from web
      1. @madflavors Quite. Hell of a delivery, as well.

        Wednesday, 17-Jul-13 05:37:37 UTC from web
        1. @scribus indeed. Cleopatras story was certainly an interesting on.

          Wednesday, 17-Jul-13 05:40:16 UTC from web