In math again. Every single morning. Ugh, I just want to quit math forever -_______-
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:03:52 UTC from web-
@arctempest Which course is this that you're in? Math is frustrating from time to time - no doubt!
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:06:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@haganbmj math 9. easy and boring, but there's just so much homework -_-
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:11:19 UTC from web-
@arctempest Ahhh gotcha. Yeah, always the long homework that's bothersome. D:
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:15:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@haganbmj ah well, as soon as I'm done with this type of math, I get to move on to a type that I'll need for my future job :D >geometry< MASTER ARCHITECT HERE I COME~!!!!!
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:18:35 UTC from web-
@arctempest Horray! Architecture, nice field choice! You will of course have some math, but I don't think believe it's too terrible? I go to a primarily engineering/architecture school, yet I can't say I know any Architecture students xD
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:23:04 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@haganbmj XD lawdy! The math is all linear equations so it's really easy. I just like drawing houses :)
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:28:14 UTC from web-
@arctempest Horray! Easy math! Linear was a pretty good course, xD
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:30:23 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@haganbmj Well it's good to see somepony in a good mood :D
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:31:34 UTC from web-
@arctempest Totally! Could've used more sleep, but today is looking like a good day! Plus I get to talk online to people, excellent!
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:33:05 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@haganbmj Excellent, it's all culmination in my mahster plan.
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:34:28 UTC from web-
@arctempest Mmhh, the Master Plan! :D - I just like talking with others, keeps the day moving quickly; get through school and such.
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 16:53:05 UTC from web