

  1. still banned from /co/.... MY GOD I'M BORED.

    Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 00:46:41 UTC from web
    1. @commanderjesus Go on Ponychan.

      Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 00:47:51 UTC from web
      1. @blaze FiM chan is where it's at bro

        Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 01:11:23 UTC from web
    2. @commanderjesus get a new IP dude, it's not hard

      Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 00:50:37 UTC from web
      1. @hoppip I can't figure out how, I am not good with computer

        Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 00:52:12 UTC from web
        1. @commanderjesus reboot your router

          Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 00:54:45 UTC from web
          1. @hoppip Doesn't work, I would have to do something with my router or something

            Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 00:56:25 UTC from web
            1. @commanderjesus unplug it, wait a few minutes, then plug it back in?

              Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 01:00:14 UTC from web
          2. @hoppip But then I would have to walk ALL the way over to it. I'd rather wait the three days, It'll be good for me to get away from /co/ for a little while

            Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 01:10:32 UTC from web
    3. @commanderjesus you're not missing much. i haven't been there in a week. Join the irc channel or something

      Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 00:51:04 UTC from web