guys if you want plushies I need some crits :U
Saturday, 09-Apr-11 20:13:56 UTC from web-
@hoppip I think the back of the hind legs could stand to be a bit less angular and a bit more rounded. Looks great otherwise though
Saturday, 09-Apr-11 20:16:55 UTC from web-
@camptranshumanist they're angular like that because sewing and stuffing tends to smooth out things like that
Saturday, 09-Apr-11 20:20:25 UTC from web-
@hoppip Oh that makes sense. Nice work then :)
Saturday, 09-Apr-11 20:21:14 UTC from web
@hoppip #ooc looks excellent to me. The front legs could probably get a bit bigger at the hoof, but that's a tiny, tiny detail (and I can't see the image too well, so it could be a blatant lie too). If/when you get a pattern finished, will you be sharing with the Internets?
Saturday, 09-Apr-11 20:17:34 UTC from web-
@applebloom I see what you mean about the widening at the base of legs... as for the pattern, probably not unfortunately. It's like giving out the source code to a game you're trying to sell
Saturday, 09-Apr-11 20:21:12 UTC from web