!vgp Question of curiosity: What gaming devices do you own? I have PC and PS3.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:33:07 UTC from web-
@brony4life !vgp i have a genesis, nes, snes, saturn, ps1, ps2, ps3, wii, pc, dreamcast, psp, ds. O.o
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:35:07 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@rainbowdash1911 'Sup own-every-console-EVER brony? =3
@princessluna hehe hai! And i love collecting vidya games. :D i recently got the nes, snes, and saturn which made my entire collection about 20% cooler :D
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:38:50 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@rainbowdash1911 Funnily enough, I collect old games but not the consoles. I do have a large knowledge of video games. :P I once bought a SNES game, EarthBound, for 120 pounds.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:40:33 UTC from web-
@giygashy thats actually a good deal on earthbound(mother) :)
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:47:57 UTC from StatusNet Android
@rainbowdash1911 Now that you've got a saturn, you need to go for the two holy grails on that system... Raidant Silvergun and Panzer Dragoon Saga. Are you a bad enough dude to collect them both? :)
@princessluna i already have them ;)
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:45:19 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@rainbowdash1911 Awesome. :)
@princessluna do you like radiant silvergun?
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:47:17 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@rainbowdash1911 I *adore* that game. Can score well into the millions on it, too.
@princessluna i kno right..ive tried getting it for my collection and afew of them got more expensive than a turbo duo on ebay!
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:52:01 UTC from StatusNet Android
@princessluna. Panzer Dragoon Saga was amazing. So few were made. I still remember being bundled up with a ton of gaming magazines years ago and calling the retailers advertised in the back, hunting down a copy.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:52:02 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@princesparkler That's one I still have yet to play. I heard it was fantastic. Someday Ill snag a copy... :)
@princessluna !VGP Did you say Panzer Dragoon?! OMG I love that game! I'm currently trying to hunt down a copy.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:58:51 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash ebay doesnt have any? o.o
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:01:01 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@rainbowdash1911 I haven't checked there yet. There is a store near where I live that sells classic games that I've been checking out. If I'm lucky, someone might be selling a copy at !animeboston.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:04:24 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash ah..actualy checking local pawnshops and trhift stores has actually been great recently for me.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:05:34 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@rainbowdash1911 Local pawnshops and stores of that nature has netted me some gems. I found a copy of the first Mega Man that way.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:06:20 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash GEMS you say?
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:07:15 UTC from web-
@spike Not those kinds of Gems, Spike.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:15:11 UTC from web
@rainbowdash wow no way! Complete?
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:10:11 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@rainbowdash1911 Just the game, unfortunately. My main pride and joy is my copy of Final Fantasy I signed by Nobuo Uematsu. That I have complete with box, instruction booklet, and maps.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:12:05 UTC from web
@rainbowdash1911 I didn't expect to find someone else that actually owns a Sega Saturn. I've had mine for about 13 years. My NES is 21 years old and my Genesis I've had for about 16 years.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:58:11 UTC from web
@rainbowdash1911 @brony4life !vgp NES, Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, N64, GameCube, Game Boy, DS, DSi, PSP, PS2, and my PC.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:57:10 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash sweet another fellow dreamcast owner pony :D
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:58:13 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@rainbowdash1911 !VGP Got it back when it came out in '99. Still works, except I need a new A/V Cable. Mine went missing.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:00:04 UTC from web
@applebloomsarepetalknives I think there's a third around here somewhere, too.... :)
@princessluna i'm not pretending to be you, i'm just a fan
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 18:50:27 UTC from web
@applebloomsarepetalknives omg lol no i dont have a powerglove xD iwas conidering buying one just to have x
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:07:43 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@rainbowdash1911 !vgp I was tempted to buy a Powerglove just for the sake of saying I have one. It's one of the only NES peripherals I don't have. That and the track and field mat.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:10:44 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash omg u have the robot? Lolol crazy thing.
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:12:16 UTC from StatusNet Android
@applebloomsarepetalknives lol but im not i dont hve the money to be buying stuff just cuz...rght now i need to buy ponies xD
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:11:28 UTC from StatusNet Android -
@brony4life !vgp Oi, let's see here... Nintendo: GB, GBP, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, N64. Sega: GG, Genesis + Master System Adapter + Sega CD, Saturn, DC. Sony: PSP, PS1, PS2. Tiger: R-Zone, Misc: Atari 2600, Watara Supervision, CDi. For computers, I have a Win95 / DOS gaming rig, a classic Mac gaming rig, a relatively good Win gaming rig, a Commodore 64, and an Apple IIe. I think that covers it if I'm not forgetting anything. I tend to collect retro gaming stuff ^_^
Friday, 08-Apr-11 06:11:05 UTC from web-
@rpb3000 a mac gaming rig is as useful as a racing horse with it's leg broken XD
Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:49:15 UTC from web-
@gequalsz !vgp Mac had more games then DOS/Win up until around 1996. That rig is for such classics as the Marathon Trilogy, Pathways into Darkness, the Exile series, Realmz, a number of the Sim games, AfterLife, TaskMaker, Stardust, a bunch of games that are cross-platform that I just happen to have had for it originally (ThemePark, Syndicate, WarCraft, Myst), etc.
Friday, 08-Apr-11 16:43:43 UTC from web-
@rpb3000 !vgp Thanks to AlephOne going open source (, anypony can play Marathon these days. That said, TASKMAKER #hellyeah
Friday, 08-Apr-11 16:45:41 UTC from web-
@puzzlemint !vgp TaskMaker may very well be the primary reason I keep that system around, as everything else is either *now* cross-platform or works well under emulation. TaskMaker only likes to work on that system. Perfoma 6220CD running OS 7.5.1. Glory.
Friday, 08-Apr-11 16:51:38 UTC from web-
@rpb3000 I have SheepShaver running OS7.5.3 on my Windows machine and it runs TaskMaker beautifully !vgp
Friday, 08-Apr-11 16:56:01 UTC from web-
@puzzlemint !vgp Awesome, I'll have to try that. Last I tried was last year sometime, and I don't remember which emulator I used but I was running Mac OS 9 on it and TaskMaker wouldn't even launch.
Friday, 08-Apr-11 17:03:13 UTC from web
@puzzlemint !vgp As to AlephOne, been following it since its inception. The Trilogy Release was a historical day for sure. Marathon, Marathon everywhere. I used to frequent the boards, but fell out of that around the same time the story page boards were launched... around 2004-2005 I think. One of these days I might actually finish the fan scenario I was working on from back then. Or make an entirely new, Total Conversion, Equestria-related scenario. Or something. #reverofnohtaram
Friday, 08-Apr-11 16:55:06 UTC from web