Friday, 29-Apr-11 15:29:50 UTC from web
@chipthe3rd Well its definitely a little bit dark, not at all that easy to read, and very spooky. But definitely not grimdark. In fact I love it~ ♥ *huggles anvil* that means we get to stay together for a bit longer aswell ♥
Friday, 29-Apr-11 16:10:31 UTC from web-
@critialcloudkicker how you doing today
Friday, 29-Apr-11 16:13:25 UTC from web -
@critialcloudkicker You Likes?
Friday, 29-Apr-11 16:30:36 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd me liksa lotta~ Write faster :D
Friday, 29-Apr-11 16:58:34 UTC from web