Oh awesome, !EquestrianDawn has a group now. Join get!
Thursday, 28-Apr-11 22:01:11 UTC from web-
@retl ~Yay~ Better still, I have Ponyville basically finished! :D Some interior areas need expanding, and nothing outside its limits (Sweet Apple Acres, Fluttershy's Cottage) is there, but it's getting there rapidly. 20+ "rooms" if my count & memory serve me correctly. !rp !eqdawn
Thursday, 28-Apr-11 22:08:05 UTC from web-
@scribus Very yay! :D
Thursday, 28-Apr-11 22:11:29 UTC from web-
@retl Getting closer and closer to feeling like giving it an "official debut" (even if it is still on the server in my kitchen lol).
Thursday, 28-Apr-11 22:18:52 UTC from web