well, here i what?
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 19:27:37 UTC from web-
@redstreak Dance magic, dance~
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 19:28:06 UTC from web -
@redstreak Now you take part in the friendship and rainbows.
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 19:28:33 UTC from web -
@redstreak Now we begin the sacrifices to the blood god.
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 19:28:40 UTC from web -
@redstreak Drink the Kool Aid and declare Celestia your one true goddess
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 19:28:41 UTC from web -
@redstreak Go from herp to derp in ten seconds flat
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 19:29:18 UTC from web -
@redstreak Now you join our Pony-related banter and randomness. Enjoy your stay, yes?
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 19:30:41 UTC from web