!rp !vgp I have a testing server for a MUSH set up now, if anyone's interested. And I will need wizards if anyone is interested in that. !techponies
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 22:52:29 UTC from web-
@scribus I'm interested, but I'm also on the fence about MU*s after a past incident. I'd kinda like to see it, though. :3
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 22:54:35 UTC from web-
@retl Well, ATM, I have yet to completely build Ponyville. :p I only got the sucker working yesterday, so I hope there's not too much disappointment.
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 22:58:23 UTC from web-
@scribus No worries. :3 I don't have superhigh expectations or anything. XD For me the appeal of MU* type stuff is more about the people there than anything. Though I suppose that's why I've taken to RDN and Twitter so much after I left the MUD I was really into. Hrm. Neat! XD
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 23:01:31 UTC from web-
@retl Groovy, then. I'll PM you the URL, it's got the connection info. :)
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 23:03:29 UTC from web-
@scribus Alrighty. :3 I'll probably check it out when I get home in a few hours. (Or maybe now if I convince myself to get off RDN long enough. XD )
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 23:04:55 UTC from web-
@retl Okay, I'll probably be asleep by then, but I might have woken up depending on how many a few hours is. But then I'll have work, myself... Anyway, it'll still be there. Unless a roommate gets to paraspriting.
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 23:08:43 UTC from web