

  1. *Regains consciousness* I'm... Not... Done... Yet... *Presses a hidden detonator on his badge and watches the Library go up in flames* So long, Miles Edgeworth! *Leaps to his feet and tries to escape*

    Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 01:06:49 UTC from web
    1. @manfredvonkarma NO YOU DON'T *clops his hooves making a cage around you*

      Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 01:07:50 UTC from web
      1. @ed Very well. Endanger more lives. *Hovers over the detonator badge*

        Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 01:08:30 UTC from web
        1. @manfredvonkarma ...*clops his hooves and goes to hit the cage, but suddenly stomps the ground shooting a pillar up through the ground stabbing the badge breaking it but not harming you*

          Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 01:10:13 UTC from web
        2. @manfredvonkarma *walks to the detonator badge and picks it up from the floor* you should be shamefull of yourself, Von Karma..

          Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 01:10:31 UTC from web