

  1. @milesedgeworth How have you been, Miles? I've been very busy, myself...

    Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 00:20:54 UTC from web
    1. @manfredvonkarma well.. look at who appeared.. is nice to see that you actually did not ran away... oh, by the way, you should help Franziska, she is turning into a pony, as she says.

      Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 00:22:55 UTC from web
      1. @milesedgeworth That is the least of my concern, Edgeworth. You still remember, all those years ago, in that elevator? Well, I heard you were in town. So I decided to finish the job. *Aims pistol at Edgeworth*

        Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 00:24:58 UTC from web
        1. @manfredvonkarma it looks like the old snake keeps its habits huh? you are so easy to read Von Karma.

          Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 00:26:33 UTC from web
          1. @milesedgeworth What are you rambling on about now!? You can't stop me now, Edgeworth! If I go down, I've rigged all of Ponyville to go down with me!

            Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 00:28:38 UTC from web
            1. @manfredvonkarma *chuckles* i see that you keep subestimating everyone around.. At the very moment that you had this gun in your hand, i had turned on a radio linked with the local authorities, your plan is probably a failure now.. but fear not, im glad to see that you at least tryed to kill me.. again.

              Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 00:33:22 UTC from web
              1. @milesedgeworth Miles Edgeworth! You shall not live to foil me again! *Shoots Edgeworth*

                Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 00:34:17 UTC from web
                1. @manfredvonkarma *takes the shoot in the chest* ugh.. *falls in the floor*

                  Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 00:36:30 UTC from web
        2. @manfredvonkarma *drops out of the sky and lands on the strange, unknown being* I have a delivery here fro-OOF! Hey, watch it, I'm trying to land he-what in Celestia's name are you?

          Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 00:27:33 UTC from web