

  1. !ukponies praise Celestia for the beautiful weather most of us are having today :)

    Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 13:35:25 UTC from web
    1. @flutterguy93 send some this way pwees it's so icky today.

      Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 13:37:16 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @flutterguy93 !ukponies Indeed. All glory to the Hypnotoad- er, Princess Celestia!

      Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 13:40:16 UTC from web
    3. @flutterguy93 agreed! As long as it stays this way and doesn't start raining after 5pm, I'd like to enjoy it by cantering home.

      Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 13:41:35 UTC from StatusNet Android
    4. @flutterguy93 Already got in a nice long walk and picked up some suitably-sunny flowers :D Looks like it's going to stay just as lovely for the rest of the week at my end of the country! Woohoo! !ukponies

      Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 13:43:51 UTC from web
    5. @flutterguy93 Yes! I thanked the # earlier but I guess Celestia deserves credit too ;) !ukponies

      Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 13:56:07 UTC from StatusNet Android