

  1. Okay, I need to ask... who's Eric B? Apparently, he/she's a big deal.

    Friday, 22-Apr-11 04:43:25 UTC from web
    1. @teamderpyftw The Eric B. nonsense started with a Skype chat, when @Zarkanorf found out both @nutterguy and @loak were named "Eric B." So, to not miss out on the fun, @Zarkanorf renamed himself "Eric Butfun" to also be "Eric B." THEEEEEEN he didn't know if @loak was a girl or not, so he decided that tonight, everypony was going to not only be a girl BUT also be named Eric B.

      Friday, 22-Apr-11 04:46:36 UTC from web
      1. @loak A'yup.

        Friday, 22-Apr-11 04:48:30 UTC from web