Oh yeah, and good morning, everypony. Sorry; I just like to come on with more than just a yawn and a hi, you know?
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:13:02 UTC from web-
@zarkanorf Morning Zark :)
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:20:27 UTC from web-
@loak Hey, how are you loak! :D
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:24:41 UTC from web-
@zarkanorf Hey ^.^ I'm doing alright. I'm really tired and I have work in half an hour x.x but I should be alright. I just wish these last 3 weeks of school would be over.
@loak Oh man, I definitely know how you feel! After these next few weeks, I am going to friggen marry the beach, YOU HAVE NO IDEA.
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:27:17 UTC from web-
@zarkanorf I'm going to marry an ITG2 machine. My legs will be eroded down to mere stubs within a few weeks.
?@loak Can I be the Maid of Honor
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:30:12 UTC from web-
@zarkanorf You can be my Mare of Honor
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:33:47 UTC from web-
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:34:17 UTC from web -
@loak Who is Best Colt?
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:38:05 UTC from web-
@nutterguy Would you like the honor? :) Actually, it'd have to be you, @enriquetsb, and @penguin xD
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:39:36 UTC from web
@loak ITG2?
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:35:16 UTC from web-
@chaosmagic In The Groove 2
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:36:23 UTC from web -
@chaosmagic Also, here's a video of me playing xD
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:37:28 UTC from web-
@loak You two are perfect for eachother. And I'm happy to share as long as you let me know when the bachelor party is xD
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:42:16 UTC from web-
@nutterguy Woohoo! Will do :)
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:44:02 UTC from web
@loak You are good O.O
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:44:29 UTC from web-
@chaosmagic I love to play ^.^ like, a lot~ I'm going to be putting up some more videos when I go home for the summer. @nutterguy See ya later! Actually, I have to go too. I have work for the next 4 hours :P I'll be back tonight :D <3 you all
@loak Cannot wait to see more c: and seeya later x3
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:47:50 UTC from web -
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 16:51:14 UTC from web
@loak Am I invited to the wedding? :3
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 19:24:14 UTC from web-
@razzek Of course you're invited >3<