Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:11:16 UTC from web
@frostbitepuckroyalguard aww, are we having a hissy fit?
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:12:02 UTC from web-
@thegreatandpowerfultrixie Trixie? THE Trixie? The famous unicorn that defeated an URSA MAJOR?!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:16:05 UTC from web-
@ignaesia the one and only
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:16:44 UTC from web-
@thegreatandpowerfultrixie How did you do that? We once had to evacuate an entire VILLAGE just because one was sighted in the area!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:17:42 UTC from web-
@ignaesia oh, I used my powerful magic to hypnotize him, then I banished him back to where he came from
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:19:29 UTC from web-
@thegreatandpowerfultrixie *Voice from behind:* Yeah, that's likely!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:20:42 UTC from web -
@thegreatandpowerfultrixie Thats.... thats incredible! If only we had you and your magic on hand, we could've driven it back! Please, you must come on a hunt with me sometime :D
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:22:22 UTC from web-
@ignaesia OH, why thank you young filly! At least one pony here know of my AMAZING powers
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:24:02 UTC from web
@thegreatandpowerfultrixie Trixie.... Go play with the ursa major.
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:18:12 UTC from web-
@epictwo ha! you silly filly!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:20:50 UTC from web-
@thegreatandpowerfultrixie Oh really? *shows her the book about the Ursa Major coming to ponyville every 3 years* WE GOTTA SAVE RARITY!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:22:36 UTC from web-
@epictwo hm, I wouldn't save that rat-maned pony for a thing. She deserves it if you ask me
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:25:06 UTC from web-
@thegreatandpowerfultrixie YOU WOULDN'T EVEN FIGHT AN URSA MINOR!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:25:45 UTC from web-
@epictwo oh please, I've beaten ten before
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:28:33 UTC from web
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:29:03 UTC from web
@epictwo says a ghost
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:30:35 UTC from web
@thegreatandpowerfultrixie *yells down street at* TOO BAD NOBODY WAS THERE TO SEE IT SO YOU COULD PROVE IT @fialvert Who knows?
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:19:02 UTC from web-
@loafofbread erm..... Hello....
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:20:26 UTC from web-
@epictwo Hello! Who might you be?
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:21:46 UTC from web
@loafofbread oh please, there was a whole village of ponies who saw, you NE-E-E-EIGH SAYER!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:22:29 UTC from web-
@thegreatandpowerfultrixie I'd like to ask them. @twilight is the most powerful unicorn ever, of course.
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:24:14 UTC from web-
@loafofbread NO, celestia is :P
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:25:16 UTC from web -
@loafofbread Don't speak nonsense, do you have ANY idea how dangerous an Ursa Major is?! Trixie defeated one ALONE, nopony can top a feat like that!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:25:38 UTC from web-
@ignaesia Except maybe the pony who's being tutored by the princess herself and defeated the eternal darkness of night?
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:27:21 UTC from web-
@loafofbread Ahahahaha, eternal darkness? Elements of Harmony? Just old mare's tales, you silly filly!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:28:35 UTC from web-
@ignaesia Such as the "great and powerful" trixie singlehandedly defeating an ursa major? She would be scared dead by an ursa minor!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:29:56 UTC from web-
@loafofbread Oh please, there is an easy way to settle this! @thegreatandpowerfultrixie, please show us some of your amazing magic!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:31:00 UTC from web-
@ignaesia Of course. Yet, @thegreatandpowerfultrixie can't just do some visual things and expect it to count. She should try doing something impressive.
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:32:51 UTC from web -
@ignaesia gladly *teleports @loafofbread of the edge of a mountain* fly away birdy!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:33:13 UTC from web-
@thegreatandpowerfultrixie *spreads wings and hovers at edge of cliff* Gee, you're real nice. *flies back to crowd*
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:34:30 UTC from web -
@thegreatandpowerfultrixie Huzzah! The tales of your power are indeed true! I knew you weren't just a legend!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:34:46 UTC from web-
@ignaesia She's still a legend. She just moved me very quickly to the edge, I felt it. I didn't get teleported. Levitation and moving spells are quite common and easy. Let's see something else.
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:36:24 UTC from web
@ignaesia -death glare- If it was an old mare's tale, I wouldn't be here, would I.
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:30:14 UTC from web-
@moonprincess Oh! Your highness, I didn't mean... I mean... wait, you aren't @luna!
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:32:41 UTC from web-
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:38:24 UTC from web
@moonprincess But I'm luna! And @luna! how you have managed to fool my sister is beyond me, but if I must face you, I shall!
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 05:08:43 UTC from web-
@luna Begone usurper! @moonprincess is the one true Luna!
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 05:16:25 UTC from web-
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 05:20:56 UTC from web
@loafofbread What about the princesses themselves? I'd wager we're pretty powerful.
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:29:01 UTC from web-
@moonprincess The two princesses are too awesome to be counted.
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:30:54 UTC from web-
@loafofbread Ah, so THAT'S why.
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:31:41 UTC from web
@loafofbread Hah, @twilight is nowhere near the "most powerful unicorn" she's just a silly pony who thinks they can beat THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE's power
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:26:43 UTC from web-
@thegreatandpowerfultrixie If she isn't anywhere close, you've got a long way to go, believe me.
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:28:21 UTC from web