@luna Just out of interest, I don't suppose you'd have any interest in fighting the other two Lunas? Only I've been trying to get them to for a week and they're having none of it.
Monday, 18-Apr-11 22:53:21 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin #ooc when you say fight, you mean for rights to luna RP? In which case I'd gladly give my points as to why I'm the 'real' Luna
Monday, 18-Apr-11 22:58:04 UTC from web-
@luna I mean like, roleplaying an epic battle. You all have the right to be Luna! But which is the strongest??!??!
Monday, 18-Apr-11 22:59:25 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin #ooc I'm down, i guess, although idk how we'd do this
Monday, 18-Apr-11 23:12:32 UTC from web
Monday, 18-Apr-11 22:59:29 UTC from web
@fialvert #ooc ah, so by that logic, if another luna had come along during my 1000 year imprisonment, you would consider that luna real, because she pretended to be luna for longer? (lol that message was like half rp and half ooc)
Monday, 18-Apr-11 23:06:46 UTC from web-
@luna #ooc No, not longer, moreso...involved. For example, I have no idea who YOU are. Just sayin'....And maybe, to your question.
Monday, 18-Apr-11 23:08:22 UTC from web-
@fialvert #ooc i've kinda been here from the beginning fialvert, after a power supply failed, I had no access to the internet for a good 10 days while the new one came in the mail. I have a reason for absence, and you do not know who i am because you just joined in the last 11 days.
Monday, 18-Apr-11 23:12:02 UTC from web-
Monday, 18-Apr-11 23:12:47 UTC from web
@fialvert @ooc I understand, although if anything, you've only known other luna for a max of 11 days. I do not think it will take long to become acquainted with me as well. You may not know it, but I can be a very good friend, i promise ^_^
Monday, 18-Apr-11 23:15:19 UTC from web