*looks to takisawesome* uhm.. hello?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:27:01 UTC from web-
@leafjump Oh hi.
@takisawesome i never saw you around before, what's your name? :)
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:28:31 UTC from web-
@takisawesome @raritybeauty @atticus @frostbitepuckroyalguard !rp RUN, YOU FOOLS!
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:30:06 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd Ummmm what happened?
@takisawesome Portal. Another portal.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:30:58 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd *points to the portal* You mean this thing here?
@takisawesome Yes, Celestia dang it!
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:32:15 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd *pokes it* I dont see whats so wrong *eeks as is sucked in*
@takisawesome !rp TAKIIIIIIII! *Dives in*
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:33:57 UTC from web -
@takisawesome *gasp!* wait for meeeee! *try to reach taki and gets sucked too*
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:34:43 UTC from web
@takisawesome nice to meet you taki, im Leaf J--... WHAT IS THAT?! *points to the portal*
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:32:57 UTC from web
@chipthe3rd Erm? What!?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:30:42 UTC from web -
@chipthe3rd Whatever for?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:32:53 UTC from web-
@raritybeauty The Multiverse is opening again!
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:33:20 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd Joy. Is this like a resonnience cascade?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:34:02 UTC from web
@raritybeauty @frostbitepuckroyalguard @frostflow Everyone get back, get underground!
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:35:53 UTC from web-
*darts for @fialvert's shack, talking rapidly in an unintelliglbe language*