*flies around but when he sees the smoke blinks, he dives down only to land next to Chip and Atticus*
@takisawesome Hello there, Sir.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 20:06:01 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd *shakes head to get mane out of eyes* Hello there.
@takisawesome !rp Who are you?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 20:07:56 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd !rp Name is Takisawesome Sojuna Titrasky, you can call me Taki.
@takisawesome Well, Taki. I'm Chip.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 20:09:14 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd !rp Nice to meet you Chip. So, how are you today. *looks at @frostbitepuckroyalguard* Hello sir.