!rp Hey everypony.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:40:06 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd 'fternoon.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:41:03 UTC from web-
@atticus Captain. How goes it?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:42:22 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd It's a fairly day. So no complaints on my part.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:50:58 UTC from web
@chipthe3rd Hiya Mister Chip!! @sugar an' I are goin' to Canterlot!! See ya when we get back!:D
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:41:59 UTC from web-
@sweetiebelle99 Actually, that's where I was headed.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:43:48 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd Yaayy!! Come on!! You can be a Cutie Mark Crusader Match-Maker with @sugar an' me!! Yay!! ^_^
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:46:59 UTC from web-
@sweetiebelle99 yay more people
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:47:59 UTC from web-
@sugar @chipthe3rd Would anypony like some pasta salad? *holds out bowel* I made it myself ^_^
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:49:45 UTC from web-
@sweetiebelle99 I don't like pasta, sorry.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:51:00 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd oh that's fine. All the more for Princess @celestia ^_^! How 'bout you, @sugar ?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:52:18 UTC from web
@sweetiebelle99 I would I would!
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:52:32 UTC from web-
@sugar Here ya go!! *passes a small bowel* ^_^
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:53:22 UTC from web-
@sweetiebelle99 *noms happily* thanks Sweetie Belle
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:54:56 UTC from web-
@sugar ^_^ No problemo!! *glances at map* Ok, we turn right at Sugercube Corner, correct? Or was it left...
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:56:43 UTC from web-
@sweetiebelle99 I thought it was straight.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:57:40 UTC from web-
@sugar Uhh.....well @chipthe3rd is a grown-up pony so let's ask him.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 18:00:27 UTC from web-
@sweetiebelle99 Yeah. @chipthe3rd which way do we go?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 18:01:56 UTC from web -
@sweetiebelle99 Ask me what?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 18:02:08 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd @sugar Which way do we go at Sugercube Corner in order to reach Canterlot? Right, left, or straight?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 18:04:21 UTC from web