There, done dusting. *looks around* What else is their to clean?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:02:18 UTC from web-
@twilight Uhm...Well, I already took care of the second floor, actually.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:03:40 UTC from web-
@fialvert Oh, er, lovely. hehe. I guess that's it then. It's never been that easy before!
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:05:00 UTC from web-
@twilight See? Simple. *smile* ...Uhm..Whadda wanna do?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:05:51 UTC from web-
@fialvert I'm not sure... what do you do with free time? I've never really had this much time to kill before.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:08:14 UTC from web-
@twilight Well, I generally read or wrote, but that's because I lived alone. Not sure what to do now..
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:09:30 UTC from web-
@fialvert You know, I think I have a book that'd be perfect in figuring out what to do! *goes to shelf, pulls out 'Derpy's Guide to Spare Time Vol. 1'* There we go!
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:13:31 UTC from web-
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:14:12 UTC from web
@chipthe3rd #ooc Where did you come from?!
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:15:10 UTC from web-
@twilight #ooc irl? the inability to sleep plus massive boredom. I feel kind of groggy and my tooth aches again.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:16:47 UTC from web
@chipthe3rd #ooc Yo dawg you stalkin' us or something?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:16:38 UTC from web-
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:17:57 UTC from web
@twilight I see! I guess ya have a book for almost anything, huh.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:16:08 UTC from web-
@fialvert You can thank Derpy for that! She loves writing guides for some reason. *begins reading* 'Captah One: So u noa hav free tyme'. *closes book* Yeah, I think it's best if we figure it out ourselves. *puts book back*
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:20:05 UTC from web-
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:20:49 UTC from web
@twilight This needs to turn into a fanfic.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:22:17 UTC from web-
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:23:41 UTC from web
@twilight Oh hey I remember posting that! >w>>
Friday, 20-May-11 18:15:47 UTC from web
Off for now my fellow pony-folk, gonna play some magic (the gathering) with friends. Later ya'll.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:20:09 UTC from web-
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:20:49 UTC from web
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:21:10 UTC from web
@haganbmj Seeya later x3
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:24:19 UTC from web