Hi everypony! What a BORING day at school, I hope mom baked some more muffins!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:12:35 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves Hey Dinky
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:13:47 UTC from web-
@sugar Hi there! I haven't seen you at school before, are you new to Ponyville? You gotta meet Pinkie Pie then!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:14:26 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves welcome back sweetheart! meh got u lots'o muffins! ^__^ *hugs @dinkyhooves*
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:15:40 UTC from web-
@derpyhooves Mom! I missed you all day today! :D
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:16:40 UTC from web
@dinkyhooves I am and I think I met her for a second but all I saw was a pink blur so I'm not positive.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:17:10 UTC from web-
@sugar That sounds like her, she always has lots and lots of fun! You should try some of my mom's muffins, they are the bestest IN THE WORLD
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:18:39 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves I. Love. Muffins!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:19:26 UTC from web-
@sugar she made me lots and lots o' muffins today, you can have some of mine! You can be my new friend! The other fillies @applebloom and @sweetiebelle99 are always running around "crusadin" or something, they never wanna play
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:22:24 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves I'd love to be your friend Dinky, thank you for the muffins. They'll help balance out the cupcakes I ate earlier :) Yeah I've been doing some crusading with with @applebloom and @sweeriebelle99 but it's kinda painful.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:25:05 UTC from web
@dinkyhooves @magicrussia @sugar Good to see you two. *looks to Dinky* Mmmm muffins sound good right now.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:20:58 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash Hey Rainbow Dash! Scootaloo keeps saying you can do a SONIC RAINBOOM! Can you?
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:24:42 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves whats a sonic rainboom?
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:26:05 UTC from web-
@sugar It's the bestest most coolest thing EVER! @rainbowdash is sooooo fast I bet she could do it!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:27:50 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves thats so awesome!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:28:50 UTC from web-
@sugar we can be great friends! I'll get my mom @derpyhooves to make you some more of her super muffins. She sometimes says strange stuff, she's soooo funny and awesome <3
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:31:05 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves She is, I met her the other day when she crashed into the tree I was sitting under.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:31:56 UTC from web-
@sugar *chuckles a little* That definitely sounds like Derpy. Last time I saw her I had to clean up a hailstorm mess she made.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:33:30 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash *giggles* it was cute though.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:35:12 UTC from web -
@rainbowdash hahahaha she is so funny the crazy things she gets up to ^^
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:38:54 UTC from web -
@rainbowdash oh yeah Dashy? you weather ponies sure are slackin today its chillywilly out!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:44:40 UTC from web-
@pinkiepie It's @derpyhooves' day for weather control. It was supposed to be nice and warm today.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:00:30 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash derpy isnt all that bad with stuff though.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:01:44 UTC from web-
@pinkiepie my mom makes the bestest muffins, you'd like them Pinkie! :D
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:05:11 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves so Dinky what do we want to do?
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:07:01 UTC from web-
@sugar I really wanna go see the Everfree Forest but Miss Cheerilee always tells us not to go there
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:11:23 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves why not the forest sounds fun. Whats in there?
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:11:59 UTC from web-
@sugar @rainbowdash oooh sonic rainboom
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:12:51 UTC from web
*sits next to @dinkyhooves to watch @rainbowdash sonic rainboom*
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:16:27 UTC from web-
@sugar Yeah a sonic rainboom I cant wait!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:20:03 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves I know this will be so cool!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:20:40 UTC from web -
@dinkyhooves !rp Hello young miss. How are you?
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:20:48 UTC from web -
@dinkyhooves !rp *bounces while watching the sky*
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:27:29 UTC from web -
@dinkyhooves *goes up higher till she's about level with Cloudsdale.* Here goes! *Starts to fly towards the ground, flying straight down*
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:28:07 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash @sugar She's gonna do it! She's gonna do it!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:30:19 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves @rainbowdash ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh. That was a sonic rainboom! She was like woosh and then she was like BOOM! and then it was like Rainbow!!!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:42:01 UTC from web-
@sugar @rainbowdash That was it! That was it! I was like "AHHHHH"! but then I was like "OOOOOH!" and now i'm like "RAINBOW DASH IS THE COOLEST PONY EVER!"
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:44:46 UTC from web
@dinkyhooves @rainbowdash Ohh here she comes, here she comes
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:29:32 UTC from web-
@sugar *keeps flying faster, seeing the sound barrier within reach as she starts to push through it* Almost....there!!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:33:40 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash comon comon comon sonic rainboom
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:35:32 UTC from web-
@sugar *as she comes through the clouds, a large boom could be heard and a large rainbow ring shoots across the sky, clearing most of the clouds. She flies close to the ground before swooping straight up, leaving a rainbow trail as she flies.*
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:39:48 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash @dinkyhooves *giggles and flops* Best! Day! Ever!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:45:43 UTC from web -
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:51:08 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves @rainbowdash do it again do it again!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:52:14 UTC from web -
@dinkyhooves *bounces* I'm so excited now lets go do something exciting!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:58:05 UTC from web-
@sugar aww I can't, I gotta go home and do my homework or my mom @derpyhooves will get mad :( Maybe we'll get our cutie marks now! :D
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:59:17 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves aww ok Dinky come play latter though.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 00:00:19 UTC from web-
@sugar Yeah you bet! Maybe we can go to the Everfree Forest! I think @applebloom and @sweetiebelle99 have been there..... better get going @rainbowdash is the BEST!
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 00:03:06 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves *trots over* Everfree Forest is a little dangerous, dontcha think?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 00:05:47 UTC from web -
@dinkyhooves When you get back we'll go explore the forest.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 00:07:10 UTC from web
@sugar Alright, I'll show you two the Sonic Rainboom. Maybe where @scootaloo is she'll be able to see it. Here goes! *takes off skyward, tearing through come clouds, clearing a good viewing area*
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:12:13 UTC from web
@dinkyhooves ill have to see!
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 01:03:49 UTC from web
@pinkiepie I know. Her group is in charge of setting up weather like this. Gives my group the fun of clearing it out when it's all over. That and she makes good muffins.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:07:13 UTC from web
@dinkyhooves yay what should we do Dinky?
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:32:41 UTC from web-
@sugar Maybe I could show the three of you the Sonic Rainboom.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:40:44 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash that would be so awesome. Being an earth pony I don't get to see a lot of cool flying.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:41:33 UTC from web -
@rainbowdash Yeahhhh! DO it!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:44:00 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves You're adorable.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:45:06 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd Thanks, mister! You sound fun!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:48:55 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves I can't wait to see a sonic rainboom that sounds soooo cool!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:49:57 UTC from web-
@sugar Rainbow Dash is sooooo awesome! I wish I could be as fast as her! ^^
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:52:31 UTC from web
@dinkyhooves You're welcome.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:51:45 UTC from web
@dinkyhooves Sure thing. Where's @scootaloo? I know she wants to see it too.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:55:42 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash I haven't seen her around in a while, she is probably "croosadin" with @applebloom and @sweetiebelle99
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:59:17 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves I dunno I've seen @applebloom and sweetiebelle99 but no @scootaloo.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:00:50 UTC from web -
@dinkyhooves Awww...I don't want her to miss the Sonic Rainboom. It might help inspire her to find her special talent.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 23:01:27 UTC from web
@rainbowdash Hallo rainbowdash =3
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:48:53 UTC from web-
@chaosmagic Hey there. What's up?
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:54:46 UTC from web-
@rainbowdash it's 12:57am here in austria c: I'm doing fine and I'm relaxing, listening to music, chatting and being on here c=
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:57:19 UTC from web
@dinkyhooves Of course I can! Where is @scootaloo? I'll show her personaly.
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:26:42 UTC from web