The Cabal has arrived.
Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web-
@cabal Welcome the Cabal
Saturday, 22-Oct-11 21:44:28 UTC from web-
@madflavors *snickers quietly to himself*
Saturday, 22-Oct-11 21:52:45 UTC from web -
@madflavors that was quite belated.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:11:07 UTC from web-
@cabal @madflavors He's just got a bit of lag, that's all.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:12:11 UTC from web
@cabal Would have been funny if said "The cabalry has arrived"
Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 22:11:40 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 22:11:57 UTC from web
@cabal so that's the first notice ever posted on RDN.. cool
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:10:00 UTC from web-
@pony unless..
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:10:16 UTC from web-
@pony and how are you?
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:11:07 UTC from web-
@toolmanhamm I'm dandy! I've been reading a redemption fic about Luna and Twilight.
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:12:12 UTC from web-
@pony cool, i just red black and whight, it was prity good and was bast on a rill avint in the writers life.
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:14:22 UTC from web-
@toolmanhamm that sounds good. Writing from experience is best.
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:14:59 UTC from web-
@pony when you git a chance you should check it out, be wornd its deep.
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:16:47 UTC from web-
@toolmanhamm :) I'll check it out
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:19:03 UTC from web -
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:23:39 UTC from web
@pony thats it!
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:28:59 UTC from web-
@toolmanhamm cool 8)
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:32:30 UTC from web
@toolmanhamm >bast on a rill avint >that's terrible, also the author is a pony
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:15:56 UTC from web
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 07:11:16 UTC from web
@metaltao Re: Target practice
Try figuring out which of my messages this dash replies to.Wednesday, 04-Jun-14 06:51:40 UTC from web-
Wednesday, 04-Jun-14 06:52:47 UTC from web-
@metaltao The cabal has arrived (sorry this keyboaerd is mangoesed)
Wednesday, 04-Jun-14 06:53:09 UTC from web-
Thursday, 03-Jul-14 20:46:58 UTC from web-
@voxxxrebel They are reflagging old post
Thursday, 03-Jul-14 20:47:37 UTC from web
Sunday, 16-Sep-12 22:07:23 UTC from web -
@cabal Replying to the oldest post, because I can.
Sunday, 16-Sep-12 22:08:13 UTC from web -
Thursday, 20-Jun-13 07:18:52 UTC from web -
Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 12:48:15 UTC from web