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Children should play a bootleg console at least once in their lives. A good 'ol famiclone. A NES on a chip or anything that promises 99999999 games in one but they are repeats or just start at a different level. This kind of disappointment and wonder is a unique brew of an experience that is both cheap and rich in questionable fun. A lie with an upside. Bonus points if they are actually rom hacks with the weirdest promises.
about 8 hours ago from web-
@adiwan As a child I had an N64 controller that you would plug into a tv and it would load up 900 NES and arcade roms, probably less than a hundred of which were unique games. Kids today now can get handheld that do the same thing on Temu, everything is properly labeled, the emulators don’t run at half speed, sometimes they play like PS2 games and Fluffle Puff, you can load your own on an sd card… it just ain’t the same.
@zeldatra For some reason I stumble upon reviews of those emulation machines and even now they are not always delivering the proper performance to even run NES games at a smooth performance. PS2 games, even PS1 and Dreamcast are a joke. There are only few exceptions where they run well enough for an enjoyable experience. The famiclone I had in the 90s was a weird "handheld" one. It was a big black "Game Gear"-like case without a screen that plugged directly into a AC/DC adaptor and it needed to be connected with a RF coax cable to the TV. It really sucked as over time both power and TV plugs on it got loose.
Persona 5 is the longest video game in the world Jesus Christ
about 8 hours ago from web -
kids should be subjected to SomethingAwful from a young age again, we as a society would be much better off
about 12 hours ago from web -
"We're looking into a fleet of drones, or a bunch of AI cameras. Lock the doors? What? No!"
about 15 hours ago from web -
I know correlation is not causation, but the last asPotato Knishes in the office did not have a plane crash every single week under his administration
about 16 hours ago from web -
“Not again” -Haruka Sawamura 2023
about 3 days ago from web -
running around Ijincho as Haruka feels very satisfying now that I got the physics on her ponytail working properly. then I got hit by a car and for some reason this was very funny to me
about 3 days ago from web -
Printer manufacturer C-suiters aren't actually human and do not fall under the protection of law imo
about 4 days ago from web -
Whenever I read "Avatar" I'm always disappointed when it is about James Cameron's crap.
about 4 days ago from web -
There are probably like a hundred massage places IN Denver that can get by without advertising on the internet of yesteryear.
about 4 days ago from web -
the dance battle intros in Yakuza 5 are all technically heat actions internally, so you can kind of just swap them out for whatever if you so desire
about 4 days ago from web -
Having cold sweats and the feeling of fainting because gas accumulated in the bowels is probably the worst and most embarrassing way to feel ill.
about 8 days ago from web -
I'm far from being fat. It shocked me that the belt buckle of my belt broke. It broke from material fatigue. The part that broke was in particular that what is attached to the leather belt. I practically wore the belt for over 4 years, almost daily. Luckily it happened at home. It'd have been embarrassing anywhere else.
about 9 days ago from web -
I HATE GOING TO IKEA. I wanted to buy their pegboard for some organization. Especially there are tons of 3d-printable stuff for that and it is reasonably cheap. However the way to, being at, and the way from IKEA is dreadful. Too many people. Too many cars. Too many people without who are absent-minded. It took half an hour longer than needed in an ideal situation.
about 11 days ago from web -
So a little bird may have told me that the United Health offices in Irvine were vandalized, and the company is desperately trying to keep it on the DL
about 11 days ago from web- Macpony55 likes this.
I sure do love living underneath a busy flight lane in 2025
about 11 days ago from web -
I have now played DnD 5e, and also recruited some old friends to try out my Wizard Duel card game prototype
about 11 days ago from web -
Ah... The onboarding process to a new project is always littered with problems. Somehow all my system accesses are not configured and even more strangely days after getting an account it is marked for deletion.
about 12 days ago from web -
Also every Dragon Engine game is capable of importing anims from every other DE game except Virtua Fighter 5 (for somewhat obvious reasons) and Gaiden. Even Infinite Wealth, from which Gaiden’s engine was forked, can’t open Gaiden animations, you have to use a tool to convert it first.
about 12 days ago from web -
Dragon Engine is crazy. Game refuses to boot if a texture is missing but lose track of a tops model and the game boots fine and lets you walk around as a disembodied head.
about 12 days ago from web -
The video editor Kdenlive is not so bad. I've been playing with it since it is stable for a long while and the last time I used it was 10 years ago when I was doing my Bachelor thesis. And back then it was in a buggy alpha state. There are however still tons of room for improvements. Especially in the effects department, and the adding and removal of video and audio tracks. For some reason once the project has been initialized you cannot add more tracks. In the audio department I'd like to have bezier curves in the track view to adjust the volume. At least it isn't crashing.
about 13 days ago from web-
@adiwan I've had a recurring issue with video editors where I cut down a large clip to the part I want, then apply some kind of speed change or reverse it or something, and suddenly the clip I'd made is a different portion of the original video. I guess I'm asking if this ever happened to you at all, and/or if this new one does it at all? lol
@scribus So far it hasn't happened to me. In fact I did a speed change to a small portion and it correctly identified that I can enter a maximum speed value until it doesn't fit on the track because a following clip is in its way. However I have to enter that value manually. Clunky but it works.